10 deadly sins of modern society

10 deadly sins of modern society

Categories: Society

We live in a consumer society and, whether we want it or not, we play by its rules, sometimes without realizing it. Of course, we amuse ourselves with thoughts that life is under control and everything is fine, but is it so?

From this issue you will learn about a dozen sins of modern society. Be honest with yourself, admit which of the sins has become a part of your life…

10 deadly sins of modern society

10 deadly sins of modern society

1. Credit cards

Funny fact: Petya has been dreaming about his own business for a long time, while the profitability of thirty percent per annum would more than suit him. However, Petya cannot organize an absolutely iron-clad gesheft — pay off the debt to the banks and start putting interest on the loan into his pocket. The matrix won't let you.

10 deadly sins of modern society

2. Cars

10 deadly sins of modern society

3. Expensive things

The question is, why wouldn't Gleb be more modest, and not buy himself things a little worse, but ten times cheaper? It's simple. Gleb is too lazy to spend three hours of time to equalize prices and characteristics in order to calculate the pros and cons of buying. It's easier for him to cut his arm cavalrily and say "I've decided, I'm buying." In addition, despite the leaky shoes and duct-taped glasses, Gleb is embarrassed to tell sellers that he is a beggar.

10 deadly sins of modern society

4. Whining

Egor considers himself a well-adjusted person: he knows how to make a row and stand on his own, can even give in the face on occasion. Friends look at Egor with poorly concealed pity. Since Egor is constantly getting into scandals, fights, and even some ridiculous courts out of the blue.

10 deadly sins of modern society

5. Unwillingness to learn

Dasha has a very tight lock on the front door to the pile. Every evening Dasha spends a long time in it with the key, flinching from every rustle in the front door and pressing the key from different sides. At the same time, spending five minutes of time and finding a solution to the problem on the Internet does not even occur to Dasha. Unfortunately, at the time of graduation, Dasha forgot to say that the freebie was over, and that the duty to force herself to study was now assigned to her personally.

10 deadly sins of modern society

6. Ethanol loop

Yura has no acute reasons to change the rhythm of her life. It's just that Yura looks fifteen years older than his age and feels a little lousy all the time... but in general everything is OK. The Matrix holds Yura with a steel grip. Yura, frankly speaking, has few chances to tear her fingers from her throat.

10 deadly sins of modern society

7. Bad teeth

10 deadly sins of modern society

8. Weddings and birthdays

10 deadly sins of modern society

9. Minor expenses

If Vasya had got himself a notebook and started writing down all his income and expenses there, the hairs on his ass would have started to move with horror. Vasya would have seen that eating in a restaurant is not a measly thousand at a time, as he thought, but fifty thousand a month, six hundred thousand a year. Vasya would have seen that a taxi is convenient and comfortable, but two months of traveling on minibuses will allow him to buy a new computer, which he has been dreaming about for three years. However, as befits a normal Matrix slave, Vasya does not consider it necessary to count money.

10 deadly sins of modern society

10. Advertising

Keywords: Consumption

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