10 daily oddities of our brain

10 daily oddities of our brain

Categories: Health and Medicine | Science | World

The human brain is an organ, not only defines our personality, but also allows us to function normally every day. It is unimaginably complex mechanism, and some of the principles of its functioning unclear to scientists until now.

Like any complex mechanism, periodically, he makes mistakes. Large can lead to dire consequences, little happens everyday and we even have time to get used to them. But if you think about it, they are very strange.

10 daily oddities of our brain

10 daily oddities of our brain

Part of the brain responsible for our ability to tend to overdo it. In this regard, we see not only other people, but absolutely anywhere in the clouds, to vegetables and fruit, trees and Wallpaper.

10 daily oddities of our brain

Being in the transportation often drives the brain to a screeching halt — we sit on the ground, but go quick! When we walk or run, the brain recognizes it as a movement and transport — not always. This can occur as a problem with the machine running, and classical motion sickness in the back seat.

10 daily oddities of our brain

During sleep, the brain turns off the motor so we could rest, and upon awakening includes her back. When he is not doing any of these tasks, the problems begin in the first case, either the person is actively tossing and turning, or even go back in time, and the second is the effect of "sleep paralysis", one of the most unpleasant States of consciousness.

10 daily oddities of our brain

Many people believe in a just world, which was formed the same law of karma or many ideas about the afterlife. Sounds innocuous enough, but in fact aggravated form of such thinking can lead to ugly and illogical conclusions.

For example, victims of rape or murder would be blamed for the fact that they walked or lived in the wrong places or inappropriately dressed. Any crime can be ignored, because the villain somehow overtake "Kara again."

10 daily oddities of our brain

Another socio-psychological problem of our brain obedience to the orders of the people, appear to us authorities. This was confirmed by the series of experiments first conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram in 1963. Even when it concerns about the infliction of severe pain does not deserve this man, people extremely difficult to contradict the orders of a superior officer.

10 daily oddities of our brain

There is a problem in which people with a low skill level can not realize this due to the low level, make the same mistakes and consider themselves competent. Conversely, people with high level qualifications their level tend to underestimate and to question your experience. Thus, the more we know, the less confident.

10 daily oddities of our brain

It's hard to imagine, but many of our memories are false or filled with a huge number of false details. The brain has a tendency to change the memory in order feel better, and not only erases memories, but also edits unpleasant moments.

10 daily oddities of our brain

We think that the taste of the food is determined solely by language, but in fact, it largely is born in the brain — based folded together information from the eyes, nose and tongue. If put on the human eye patch and plug his nose, he is often not able to identify the taste is the difference between an Apple and a potato.

10 daily oddities of our brain

We are taught from childhood that to be angry is bad, but the brain often whispers quite the opposite. Anger propels the blood adrenaline and makes us feel better, and the more we feel, the easier it is to succumb to her again.

10 daily oddities of our brain

Sometimes after a hearty meal, the brain seems to say to us, "of course, in the stomach there is still room for dessert!", although the stomach would be glad desperately to protest. Alas, the brain — if he feels that the food looks appetizing enough, it suppresses the signals from the digestive system and encourages us to eat another piece.

Keywords: Brain errors | Oddities | People

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