Wounded little bird's legs were cured with the help of "snowshoes"

Categories: Animals |

Kind guys from the California Wildlife Center rescued a young mockingbird with a leg injury, because of which the bird could hardly walk, sit on a branch and take objects. The bird had to stand on his fingers all the time, which is probably painful even without injury.

Wounded little bird's legs were cured with the help of "snowshoes"
Source: Wildlife

Wounded little bird's legs were cured with the help of "snowshoes"

Rescuers made something like tiny snowshoes for the bird. Thanks to such shoes, the mockingbird's paws got into the right position.

Wounded little bird's legs were cured with the help of "snowshoes"

The wildlife center said that it usually takes a week or two for the legs to return to normal. And the rescuers confirmed that the treatment was successful and the young mockingbird is ready to return to the wild to delight with its trills.

Keywords: Paw | Treatment | Legs | Birds | Snowshoes | Rescue | Injury

