Words that leave wounds

Categories: Lifestyle | People | Psychology | Society | World |

These photos will make you feel uncomfortable, even uncomfortable. But this project was not created for your mental comfort, but in order for you to think, ask yourself just one question. How do people feel when they are verbally humiliated and insulted? Offensive words may not leave wounds on the body, but they leave unhealed wounds in the soul.

And what would happen if offensive words left wounds on our bodies? Maybe then people would take verbal abuse more seriously. This is exactly what the author of the photo project called "Weapon of choice" photographer Richard Johnson hopes for.


Words that leave wounds
Words that leave wounds

1. The man in the photo chose the word "worthless" or worthless. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

The idea of the project was to create a visual representation of the wounds on the body that verbal abuse leaves. Make-up artists "made" wounds on the bodies of the project participants and wrote the word chosen by each participant from the list proposed by the photographer, which, in their opinion, is the most offensive and unfair.

Words that leave wounds
Words that leave wounds

2. On the body of this girl, the word "cunt", which is a decent translation means "vagina", and in indecent, you yourself know. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

“We named this project Weapon Choice because physical abuse goes hand in hand with insults. Whether the abuser uses physical or mental violence is only his choice, ”says Richard Johnson.

Words that leave wounds

3. The boy chose the word "faggot" or faggot. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Before hitting someone, offenders first use offensive words to humiliate their victim as much as possible.

Words that leave wounds

4. The word chosen by the girl is "pathetic" or pitiful. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

The children involved in the project also experienced mental abuse in their lives, which they spoke about during the filming, which surprised not only the film crew but also some parents who were not aware of what was happening to their children.

Words that leave wounds

5. The teenager chose the word "freak" or freak. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

These photographs evoke strong emotional reactions in people, many feel uncomfortable, and others say that looking at them, as if they become accomplices in violence.

Words that leave wounds

6. The word on the girl's body is "moron" or imbecile, idiot. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

“While working on the project, we learned that verbal violence has 3 participants - the executioner, the victim, and the witness. Those bystanders who make no effort to stop the violence actually become accomplices,” says the photographer.

Words that leave wounds

7. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

One of the project participants admitted that he was a victim of both mental and physical abuse as a child. The scars on his body have long since disappeared, but the "mental wounds" still remain.

Words that leave wounds

8. The boy chose the word "dork" or jerk. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

The author of the project was himself a victim of physical and emotional abuse.

Words that leave wounds

9. The girl chose the word "spoiled" or spoiled. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

The scars that emotional abuse leaves behind are invisible, and victims of domestic violence often don't tell anyone about it at all.

Words that leave wounds

10. The woman in the photo was once told she was "worse than trash." She chose the word "trash" or garbage, trash. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

11. Of all the offensive words proposed by the photographer, the children participating in the project chose the word “fool” or “stupid” as the most unfair and humiliating. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

12. The word "slut" or "slut" is not only an insult but also an accusation. A word that not only humiliates but also destroys the reputation of a girl or woman. The project participants, who were once called that word, told their stories with great difficulty. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

13. The boy in the photo considers the expression “little girl” the most offensive. Isn't it strange, being a girl - should be humiliating in the opinion of boys and men? Probably only for misogynists and those ... let's do without insults who believe that the female sex is worse than the male. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

The photographer stated that all images will be donated to non-profit organizations that help victims of domestic and child abuse. “I hope this helps draw attention to this issue,” he says.

Words that leave wounds

14. The girl chose the offensive word "dumb" or stupid. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

15. "Retard" or inhibited, lagging behind in development. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

16. This girl chose the word "bitch" or "bitch". (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

17. The expression written on the hands of the girl is "four eyes" or bespectacled. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

18. The word on the boy's cheek is "brat" or offspring. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

19. "Ugly" or ugly. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

20. "Idiot" or idiot. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

21. "Fat" or fat, thick. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

22. "Useless" or useless, worthless. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

23. "Coward" or a coward. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

24. "Disgrace" or shame. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Words that leave wounds

25. "Mistake" or mistake. (Photo: Richard Johnson).

Sometimes even hurtful words thrown into the hearts can leave an incurable wound in the souls of people. Just remember this.

Keywords: Wounds | People | Society | Psychology | Mental problems | Mental comfort | Emotions

