Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Categories: Water |

Street artist Sean Yoro, under the pseudonym Hula, created an amazing series of street art, depicting women coming out of the water on the concrete walls of abandoned structures. Surprisingly, a Hawaiian craftsman living in New York had to work standing or sitting on a surfboard while balancing on the water along with cans of paint.

Sean puts pictures of his creations on his personal website and Instagram page.

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard
Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard
Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard
Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard
Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard
Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard
Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard
Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard
Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard
Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard
