When water and bronze merge together, a miracle is born

Sculptor Malgorzata Chodakowska from Poland creates incredible fountains in which bronze and water complement each other. Initially, she carves sculptures out of oak trunks. When the process is just beginning, it's hard to imagine how a refined female figure can be born from a huge log. But Malgorzata removes the excess, layer by layer — and now her next masterpiece turns out to be in front of the viewer.

When water and bronze merge together, a miracle is born
When water and bronze merge together, a miracle is born

When water and bronze merge together, a miracle is born

When water and bronze merge together, a miracle is born

When water and bronze merge together, a miracle is born

When water and bronze merge together, a miracle is born

When water and bronze merge together, a miracle is born

When water and bronze merge together, a miracle is born

When water and bronze merge together, a miracle is born

