What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

It's good when everyone does their own thing, cooks cook, and artists paint, but what if… San Francisco photographer Hannah Rothstein has created a project called Thanksgiving Special ("Special Thanksgiving"). In this series of photos, Hannah imagined what a traditional Thanksgiving dinner would look like if it were cooked by some of the most famous artists in history. Dishes from Pablo Picasso, Van Gogh, Andy Warhol and other artists are waiting for you next.

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

Vincent Van Gogh

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

Pablo Picasso

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

Rene Magritte

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

Pete Mondrian

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

Jackson Pollock

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

Mark Rothko

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

Georges Seurat

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

Andy Warhol

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

Julian Schnabel

What would your dinner look like if it was cooked by famous artists

Cindy Sherman

