What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life

A great author can create an image of the hero of a literary work with words alone. And often special attention is paid to the description of literary heroes, since the features chosen by the writer help to form an opinion about the personality and character of the hero. In the film adaptation of the book, these characteristic features are often lost.

What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life

American artist and director Brian Joseph Davis (Brian Joseph Davis) in his project The Composites revives world-famous literary characters described in novels with the help of a police program that creates sketches of suspects.

What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life

It should be noted that most of the portraits of the artist and the images embodied on the screen are very similar, like, for example, Tom Ripley from "The Talented Mr. Ripley" and Matt Damon who played him. So not everything is lost in modern cinema.

What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life

What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
What would world-famous literary characters look like in real life
