What would the skulls cartoon characters?

Science can do anything: to restore the appearance of an ancient human skull or, on the contrary, looking at our contemporary accurately reproduce the shape of his skull. But Prague based artist and designer went a step further and decided to play skulls of cartoon characters.

What would the skulls cartoon characters?
3D-artist Philip khodas (Filip Hodas) in his new series of illustrations "Cartoon Fossils" ("Cartoon fossils") showed preserved skull all the famous cartoon characters: from the grumpy Uncle Scrooge to hilarious spongebob. In addition, each "exhibit" the artist gave a merry Zoological name like "Canis Goofus" not forgetting to specify the year when the characters first lit on the screen.

Read more Vinegred.Ru: vinegred.ru/hudozhnik-pokazal-kak-budut-vygljadet-cherepa-nashih-ljubimyh-geroev-multfilmov-v-muzee.html/

What would the skulls cartoon characters?

Canis Goofus (goofy dog) — the United States, 1932

What would the skulls cartoon characters?
What would the skulls cartoon characters?

Anas Scroogius (Scrooge McDuck) — USA, 1947

What would the skulls cartoon characters?

Spongia Bobae (spongebob) — United States, 1999

What would the skulls cartoon characters?
What would the skulls cartoon characters?

Homo Popoculis (Popeye) — USA, 1929

What would the skulls cartoon characters?
What would the skulls cartoon characters?

Mus Minnius (Minnie mouse), the United States, 1928

What would the skulls cartoon characters?
What would the skulls cartoon characters?

Tweety Canaria (Canary Tweety) — USA, 1941

What would the skulls cartoon characters?

Keywords: Cartoons | Characters | Skull

