What women are doing when they are not looking subscribers from instagram

Categories: Social Networks |

In April 2015 Illustrator Sally Nixon launched "project 365" — she decided for a year to create one illustration every day. Come up with original ideas with such frequency is difficult, so Sally started to look for inspiration in your own life. Now she portrays on the drawings simple everyday moments familiar to many of us.

The artist wanted to show the natural side of women behind the glossy selfies from social networks and filters. Character of her illustrations take a shower, walk around the house naked, lazily watching soap operas and eating chips in bed (to be honest, judging by the drawings Nixon, in her spare time, she basically anything ect).

"My heroines imperfect body and imperfect habits, and that makes them understandable and familiar. My stories happen in the bathroom, in a restaurant, in the bedroom among the clutter. My goal is to turn everyday routine into something special," says the girl.

What women are doing when they are not looking subscribers from instagram
What women are doing when they are not looking subscribers from instagram
What women are doing when they are not looking subscribers from instagram
What women are doing when they are not looking subscribers from instagram
What women are doing when they are not looking subscribers from instagram
What women are doing when they are not looking subscribers from instagram
What women are doing when they are not looking subscribers from instagram
What women are doing when they are not looking subscribers from instagram
What women are doing when they are not looking subscribers from instagram

Keywords: Life | Home | Natural | Woman | Illustrations

