What is bonsmashing, or Why do guys hit themselves in the face?
Once upon a time, in his novel “The Fall,” Albert Camus wrote that beauty requires sacrifice. But he could not even imagine that over the years this thought of his would take on such a literal meaning. After all, some people are really ready to hurt themselves and make various sacrifices in order to look at least a little better. This is how bonsmashing appeared - an extreme hobby that we want to tell you about below.

The term "bonsmashing" is a combination of two English words "bone" - bone and "smashing" - to crush. From this alone you can guess what people who are addicted to this dangerous activity do.

Bonsmashing is the practice of altering a face by destroying bones. It is based on Wolf's law, which states that the bone of an animal or human is able to adapt to loads. According to him, if a bone regularly suffers trauma, a callus will form on it, which will make the tissue more dense.
It is precisely the appearance of calluses on the face that followers of the dangerous trend are trying to add. They hit their face with various objects in the hope that over time its features will become more expressive.
Adherents of bonsmashing use a variety of accessories in their business, ranging from improvised means to more complex devices. For example, there are those who simply beat themselves with their fists, others who strike themselves with special massagers or household objects with a flat base. Most often, the following areas are subjected to bonsmashing: cheekbones, chin, lower jaw and forehead area.
On social networks you can find a lot of videos on how to properly hit yourself in the face. (Although, of course, the correct thing to do would be not to hit...). Their authors claim that with the help of such a simple technique they were able to achieve the desired facial features. And there are those who even “teach” this technique to other users!
For example, one bonsmasher claims that it is necessary to take breaks between “exercises.”
Some guys pursue the goal of looking more masculine and brutal.
Others, on the contrary, are chasing chiseled and graceful facial features, like Timothée Chalamet.
Whether bonsmashing actually works or not is difficult to say. Look for yourself and answer, did you see any results?
It is worth noting that the consequences of bonsmashing can be the most unpredictable, from broken bones to damage to nerve endings... Therefore, it is better to think twice before succumbing to the next trend from TikTok. Fashion will pass, but a whole and healthy face will remain with you forever.