What is and is Koti, Playground for cats outdoors
In the warm time of year, many cat owners try to arrange for your household pet a place to stroll where they could enjoy the sunshine and fresh air in safety and comfort. Creative owners always find the perfect way to make a protective pad for exploring their whiskered Pets.
Playground for cats, or cotio (from the cat and a patio), is the most amazing and yet useful thing you could do for your pet. We are talking about the fenced part of the yard or porch of a private house, which will allow the mustachioed pet safely spend time outdoors.
Many people do not dare to release their Pets alone walking on the street. And cats sometimes want freedom, or they begin to feel stress and discomfort. So now gaining increasing popularity in the construction of special facilities for our younger brothers, where they will be able to walk and explore every corner. They resemble patio in the backyard.
In fact, this is a great enclosure under the open sky, in which can you come out of a cat from a house window or a special door for cats and if you want to return the same way. The enclosure is equipped with sun beds, walkways, scratching posts and trees are placed inside toys for cats and water.
Large cages or overcast grid of conventional patio can also serve as a place of recreation for the whole family. Well, if you hesitate neighbors, always mono to put catio in the backyard of his home.
The benefits of cotio:
protection of cats from predators, poisons, diseases from other animals or escape. — reduces vet bills from falling under the vehicle, cat fights or injury; — protects birds and wildlife; — helps to reduce the population of stray cats; — provides a healthy life to cats with exposure to fresh air, physical exercise, sunbathing and bird watching;
— helps to reduce problems with multiple cats in the room, adding more territory; — creates an open space for interaction between man and cat and their communication;- — helps to eliminate unpleasant odors in the room (outer tray); — maintains good relations with its neighbors, not letting the cats in gardens, flower beds and property of neighbors; — provides owners of cats peace of mind knowing that their cat is safe, secure and comfortable place for it.
Of course, catio for the most part intended for private homes. However, if desired, a small catio you can do for your pet on the balcony, loggia or window. It is very important to securely fasten design.
Keywords: Home | Cats | Creative | With your own hands