What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

Categories: Animals |

Among the many special units of the IDF (Israel defense forces) "Oenothera" is the most unusual. The name is translated from Hebrew as "bite" or "sting" and it accurately describes its essence. This is a unique dog training anti-terrorist battalion, in which people are dogs.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

The main task of the fighters of "Oenothera" is to help groups capture and participation in anti-terrorist operations. Dog handlers with their four-legged Pets are always at the forefront and actively participate in the implementation of the most complex and dangerous tasks. Dogs are the first to go on the attack, looking for explosives and weapons found among the crowds of enemies and help to remove them from the cars, tunnels and barricades.

Have the soldiers of the units to participate in rescue operations. Dogs find people under the rubble, helping to provide the victims food, drink and medicines, provide liaison with affected.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

The first canine unit of the Israelis appeared in 1939. It was part of the underground organization "Hagana" operating in Palestine. The battalion — the same age as the state of Israel. It appeared in 1948 as a special unit of dog handlers "7149". But the new battalion then was not accepted to speak aloud — it for many years existed in an atmosphere of absolute secrecy.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

In 1974, the canine battalion became subordinate command of the infantry and parachute troops. It was then that he received the modern name of "Oenothera". In 1980, the division ceased to be a secret — it happened after a high-profile operation to free the hostages in the commune of Misgav Am.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

A battalion of "Oenothera" consists of four companies: search and rescue, sniffer, anti-terrorism and demining companies. Each facility includes dogs that are optimally suited to perform the core tasks of the unit.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

Search and rescue company involved in tracing people trapped under the rubble. Service here are mainly Labradors, which are carefully selected by nature. The most important requirement for a rescue dog — no aggression towards people.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

Sluzhebno-search company searches, prosecution and detention of suspects. Dogs it are divided into two groups: search and "liquidators". Animals, trained for the search is able to find your purpose, pursue it to a distance of 6 km and hold until the arrival of the fighters. Dogs-"the liquidators" perform hard to arrest and, sometimes, even the elimination of the attacker.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

The task of company clearance — search of explosives, ammunition, weapons and drugs. Dogs of this company are serving on checkpoints, examines the people and cars. Animals of smaller breeds, able to penetrate to the remotest corners of the salon, or get in the van "eyeballs" filled with cargo.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

It's worth mentioning dogs, the bomb squad, ahead of military units and seeks out mines and bombs. They first come into the house, risking the most. Mostly German and Belgian shepherds — strong, tough and has a great scent.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

The anti-terrorist company — is the strongest and most aggressive dogs are Rottweilers, Dobermans and German shepherds. Together with the soldiers of these dogs stormed a building of the vehicle and freed the hostages. Dogs have a very serious preparation, because their task is first to enter the place where the enemy is and neutralize the threat of terrorists or people who call the shots.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

During the storming of the building first to thrown the dog, and already followed by the soldiers from the assault team. When the enemy is neutralized and the object is under full control, part of the dog and takes the dog. Such tactics are fully justified and helps to avoid casualties among the soldiers. The sudden appearance of a large aggressive dog acts on terrorists flawlessly — they are confused and reflexively drawn into the fight with an animal, losing vigilance.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

It happened that the dog helped find a terrorist hidden in a building away from the assault team. Sometimes occur and overlays, for example, the dog switches from enemies on fighters of special forces, as they are armed. Despite careful training of Pets, such incidents still happen — as even the smartest dog in the fight often acts reflexively.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

High efficiency of the battalion "Oenothera" is also connected with the specifics of the region. For Muslims the dog is an unclean animal so bitten it to the death terrorist can go to heaven. Because of this where the checkpoints are serving a service dog, "martyrs" appear much less frequently.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

Today in "Oenothera" work around hundreds of dogs. The service life of the animal in the unit does not exceed 7-8 years, after which good health and character, it can be transferred to the police. There dogs perform the same functions as in the army — searching for people, drugs and weapons. With the exception of "liquidators" is a threat, the dogs are forced to retire and work no longer involved.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

Puppies, who will serve in the "Oenothera", buy in Europe, most often in nurseries in Germany and the Netherlands. Their age is only 3-6 months and the price may reach 15 thousand dollars (over 1 million). Dogs carefully check military dog handlers — for animals are very strict requirements, both physical and psychological.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

Selected dogs are trained throughout the year and then fall to the service. Search dogs and rescue workers before it is subjected to compulsory sterilization.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

Handlers to the battalion was recruited from the special unit "Duvdevan" and the Israeli airborne. Each soldier held an annual training course with mandatory delivery standards. In 2004 in the ranks of "Oenothera" can serve not only guys, but girls.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

Dogs are special forces live in separate cells, with an area of 6 square meters. In this house there is a place for eating and a separate toilet with a good ventilation system. The floors of the cells are covered with special ceramic tiles, which is well washed, but not slip.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

The battalion staff has its own veterinary clinic, which has everything you need to treat the four-legged soldiers. It professionals can conduct the most complicated surgeries, including dental. The complex "Oenothera" is also a fitness centre for dogs with a pool.

What is an "Oenothera" or How dogs serve in the Israeli army

The last shelter dogs from battalion find to created in 2004 the cemetery. Killed in the line of animals and deceased veteran buried with military honors. It is not surprising, since on account of the many dogs saved dozens of lives.

Keywords: Army | Israel | Engineers | Service dogs | Soldiers | Terrorists

