What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

Categories: Fashion |

The recent obsession of video bloggers on a multi-layered manicure has grown into a bunch of videos where girls apply up to hundreds of layers of foundation on their face. After watching enough of this madness, Jenna Marbles decided to try 100 layers of foundation, nail polish, spray-tan, lipstick, hairspray and false eyelashes at the same time. Fasten your seat belts, you haven't seen such a nightmare yet.

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl
Source: Buzzfeed

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

This is how the girl looked before the start of the special operation to produce an unrealistic amount of cosmetics in one sitting. It also took a lot of time and a little skin health, which was hardly delighted with so much chemistry.

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

After applying the first layer of everything, Jenna looked like this. It took five minutes. For those who are not very good at math: one hundred layers will take 500 minutes, that is, more than eight hours.

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

"I feel like my face is disgusting. I'll be surprised if I have any eyelashes left after that."

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

By the way, Jenna thought that a hundred layers of eyelashes on one eye just wouldn't fit, so she decided to stick 50 on each eye. In the photo, she has only ten layers, and you also need to glue forty on each eye!

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

Level 21.

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

Pretty girl!

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

We completely forgot about self-tanning. This is how it looks in 21 layers.

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

"I look great!"

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl


What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

Self-tanning begins to pinch the skin. This is already becoming unsafe.

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

50 layers of false eyelashes on each eye look like this.

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

80 layers of lipstick. Nice, isn't it?

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

"Please keep in mind that this is done out of pure curiosity."

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

This is how a hundred layers of everything look like.

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

Oh yes, and self-tanning. It turned out to be an unhealthy color.

What do a hundred layers of lipstick, foundation and false eyelashes look like on one girl

And a hundred layers of nail polish for a snack.

Full video of this outrage:

Keywords: YouTube | Self-tanning | Lips | Cosmetics | Face | Makeup | Manicure | Lipstick | Eyelashes | Experiment

