"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors

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A husband and wife who worked as investment bankers gave up a luxurious lifestyle after their child was stillborn. The couple decided to retrain as general practitioners when they realized that life used to be empty and meaningless.

"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors
Source: Daily Mail

"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors
"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors

Working as investment bankers, Deepali Sharp and her husband Christian led a chic lifestyle that many can only dream of. The couple had dinner in restaurants every night, drove a Porsche, and traveled exclusively first class. But their world was shattered when their first child was stillborn. Deepali and Christian were inspired by the help they received at that moment, and decided to give up work, and used their savings to study to become doctors.

"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors
"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors

Now they have finally qualified as general practitioners. And although Deepali and Christian have given up designer clothes and posh restaurants, they claim to be happier than ever before. "Until the tragedy happened to our son, I calmed down with the help of shopping. But losing a child helped me realize how empty my life was. Now my past seems like a dream to me," says 44—year-old Deepali.

"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors

Deepali became pregnant for the first time in 2002, and until then her life was easy and carefree.

"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors

At first, the pregnancy went well, but 20 weeks later their son was diagnosed with a heart defect. At the sixth month, the baby was stillborn. "Suddenly our life seemed empty to us," Deepali said. To fill this void, Christian began to help in the evenings at the hospice, and Deepali became a volunteer in the HIV department at Westminster Hospital. "We were both impressed by the doctors who took care of me during our entire ordeal," Deepali said.

"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors
"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors

The woman became more and more interested in medicine. One day one of the doctors told her that she should try to become a doctor herself. Her husband supported this idea, and Deepali entered the University of Nottingham. By that time, the couple had already had their second child, Sachin, whom Deepali even breastfed during the entrance exam. Christian was inspired by his wife's enthusiasm, and a year later he also quit his job and began studying to become a doctor.

Two years later, the couple had a daughter, Ambika. "We both moved to Nottingham with the money saved from our previous jobs to study to be doctors. The only thing we have left from our past life is our Porsches," Deepali shared.

"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors
"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors
"We are richer than ever": because of the tragedy, the couple abandoned a luxurious life and became doctors

The training was difficult for the spouses, but they were able to get qualified. Now they have moved to Glasgow with their two children, who are 11 and 13 years old. Reflecting on how their family's life has changed, Deepali said:

Keywords: Wealth | Doctors | Wife | Husband | Lifestyle | Education | Couple

