The #Water2019 photo contest gathered more than 16.5 thousand applications from photographers from all over the world in the free AGORA images application.
AGORA user @Leemumford8 became this year's winner. Behind this nickname is Lee Mumford, whose stunning aerial photographs of Asian architecture we published recently.
Lee Mumford is originally from the UK, has been living and working in Hong Kong for the last couple of years. Lee became interested in the art of photography at a young age, but his passion grew stronger after he became a pilot, which allowed him to travel the world with a camera.
His "Tides" photo was taken in Mona Vale, Sydney, using a Mavic Pro II drone.
Winner. Tides, Lee Mumford, United Kingdom
The beginning, Kuno de Bruin, the Netherlands
In the water, Yura Borshchev, Russia
Might, Sergio Saavedra Ruiz, Spain
Old Harry Rocks in the South of England, Dorset, Joe Shelley, United Kingdom
Compass, Julien, Monaco
Ice Tunnel, Paal Uglefisk Lund, Norway
The world of sardines, Carlos Alonso, Spain
Summer zigzags in Greece, Dimitrios Pallis, Greece
Eastern Pygmy Kingfisher, Mitesh Patel, India
Tropical Waters, Pablo Garcia Fuentes, Spain
Drinking water, Hla Mo Naing, Myanmar
Flushed, Asad Khalid Sungkar, Indonesia
Rainy day, Hendi, Indonesia
Lonely Drop, Fabian, Myanmar
The soul cannot live a day without water, Tun Paing Aung, Myanmar
Stunning blue of the Mediterranean Sea in Greece, Henry Do, USA