Wait, my nipple came off! How sex is filmed in movies

Categories: Cinema |

Let's lay our cards on the table right away: actors never have real sex on the set. Unless, of course, it's a special genre of film, but that's not what we're talking about now. Filming bed scenes, according to filmmakers, is quite difficult; in terms of the variety and sophistication of the techniques used, they can be compared to staging dangerous stunts.

Wait, my nipple came off! How sex is filmed in movies

Even if the script calls for a scene without a single gram of clothing, this does not mean that the actors perform their part naked. Many tricks have been invented to imitate a naked body. For example, plastic make-up, thin flesh-colored suits, silicone breast pads with painted nipples. To hide the male organ, a so-called cock sock is often used - an inconspicuous bag that is glued to the lower part of the abdomen.

Wait, my nipple came off! How sex is filmed in movies
That's all for now. If we learn anything new, we'll let you know.

Wait, my nipple came off! How sex is filmed in movies
For most actors, filming bed scenes is stressful. No matter what you cover up with, you're still practically naked in front of the camera, cuddling with a person you don't really know. Embarrassment is overcome in various ways, most often by listening to music and drinking alcohol. For example, Michael Douglas and Glenn Close fueled up on champagne and Margaritas while filming Fatal Attraction. In moderation, of course.

Wait, my nipple came off! How sex is filmed in movies
When making particularly racy shots, most of the crew is usually sent out the door - this is called a "closed set." Sometimes the director is limited to just a cameraman. Stanley Kubrick even shot the intimate scene between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman for the film "Eyes Wide Shut" himself.

Wait, my nipple came off! How sex is filmed in movies
A logical question arises: how do men manage not to get overexcited when they have to touch naked Nicole Kidman or some Salma Hayek? In fact, this problem arises extremely rarely and speaks of the actor's unprofessionalism. The seventh hour of filming, the terrible heat from the spotlights, people around, the approved order of actions - does not really encourage an erection, right?

Wait, my nipple came off! How sex is filmed in movies
Speaking of the approved order of actions. The way the actors play a bed scene and the way it is written in the script are almost always two different things. The general outline is, of course, followed, but improvisation plays an important role. If everything is too rehearsed, it will turn out to be cheap erotica.

Wait, my nipple came off! How sex is filmed in movies
And yet, rehearsals do take place. First, the scene is run through in clothes, and not just once, and only then do the actors undress. They usually film in parts, so that the stars don't flaunt their charms when it's not required.

