"Unexpected visit" from a Czech photographer

Categories: Photo project |

A Czech photographer under the pseudonym Fotograf bez talentu shot a series of funny and at the same time candid shots, which he titled "An Unexpected visit". In the black-and-white photo series, you can see the extreme degree of surprise on the faces of the characters that someone unexpectedly violated their privacy and found them engaged in intimate activities. 

"Unexpected visit" from a Czech photographer
"Unexpected visit" from a Czech photographer

Basically, the photographer shoots projects that somehow have a social significance.

"Unexpected visit" from a Czech photographer

"I take pictures of people and tell their stories."

"Unexpected visit" from a Czech photographer

The photographer's pseudonym translates literally as "A photographer without talent". Here's how he explains it on his website: "I think that talent is a great advantage, but not a vital condition. I know many talented people who greatly underestimated the work and diligence and as a result achieved little compared to less gifted, but diligent ones."

"Unexpected visit" from a Czech photographer

"Unexpected visit" from a Czech photographer

"Unexpected visit" from a Czech photographer

Keywords: Photographer | Nude | Sex | Surprise | Photo project | Black and white photography

