Touching sight: cute little panda bears in baskets
The birth of each new panda is a real reason for celebration, because the females of this animal give birth only once every two years and only one cub.

The panda cub is born at the end of summer, in the period from July to September. A female big panda bears offspring from 3 to 5 months. Big panda cubs are usually born very small.

When large pandas are just born, they look completely different from adults. The panda cub is very tiny, blind, pink, practically has no hair. The average weight of a panda cub at birth is only 100 g – one nine-hundredth of the mother's weight! The lightest panda cub at birth weighed only 36 g, and the heaviest – 210 g.

The paws of a newborn panda cub are so weak that he can not hold on to them at all. For 2 months from the moment of birth, panda cubs only feed on milk and sleep.
25 days after birth, the bear cub appears black fur in the neck and chest area. Dark circles around the eyes become larger. At the same time, the white coat begins to grow, and at this time the big panda cub begins to gradually acquire its familiar black-and-white appearance. A month after birth, the weight of the panda is about 2 kg.
If a panda mom gives birth to more than one cub, she only takes care of the first undead cub, abandoning the second one. Childbirth occurs approximately once every two years. Slow reproduction slows down population growth, which probably avoids competition for food resources.
Until 2000, large pandas in zoos did not breed at all, and now the reproduction of pandas in captivity is extremely rare, so it is always a great joy.