Toshiba products that we will remember forever

Categories: Technology |

On December 14, it became known that Toshiba had stopped its work in the Russian market. This was stated to Kommersant by Hiroaki Tezuka, CEO of Toshiba Rus LLC. The Russian branch for the sale of equipment will be closed.

Let's remember those Toshiba products that will forever remain in our heart. And shudder.

(5 photos in total)

Toshiba products that we will remember forever
Toshiba products that we will remember forever

1. Video double

Toshiba products that we will remember forever

2. Toshiba 55ZL2R

Toshiba products that we will remember forever

3. Toshiba Qosmio X875-DUS

Toshiba products that we will remember forever

4. Models with the OpenSolaris system

Toshiba products that we will remember forever

5. The Aurex Era

Keywords: Consumer electronics | Laptop | Tvs

