They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves

Categories: Auto | Life hacks |

There are many different ways to protect a car from theft, but the owner of a Volkswagen Transporter minivan decided to do it in an unusual way - with the help of a coating that, looking at it, hardly anyone would have the desire to steal his car.

They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves
They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves

An unusual anti-theft solution is a vinyl film with a hyper-realistic rust pattern that makes the car look like a piece of scrap metal.

They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves

The artistic vinyl wrap work was carried out by Clydes Wraps in Glasgow.

They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves

Externally, the car looks old, but in fact it is a new, safe and comfortable van.

They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves

To create such a coating, the owner of the car provided the artists with the exact dimensions of the entire minivan.

They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves
They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves

This allowed artists to realistically simulate rust as if it had formed naturally.

They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves
They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves

The artists took into account everything, even the smallest details.

They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves
They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves

However, with such a coloring, the car owner had problems with the police, and he had to explain for a long time that it was just a vinyl covering.

They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves

Indeed, such a car’s appearance can confuse anyone, but the main thing is that it confuses and scares away thieves.

They definitely won't be stolen: original camouflage that will protect the car from thieves
