The photographer revived the famous fairy tales

Categories: Photo project |

We offer you to plunge into the world of magic right now and publish works under the title "Fabulous Kiev". This is an art project aimed at reminding adults and telling modern children about the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen, the brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault and other authors.

The photographer revived the famous fairy tales
The photographer revived the famous fairy tales

The Little Mermaid

The photographer revived the famous fairy tales


The photographer revived the famous fairy tales

Peter Pan

The photographer revived the famous fairy tales


The photographer revived the famous fairy tales

Cinderella and the Prince

The photographer revived the famous fairy tales

red hat

The photographer revived the famous fairy tales

Captain Hook and the Pirates

The photographer revived the famous fairy tales

Alice in Wonderland

The photographer revived the famous fairy tales

Robin Hood

The photographer revived the famous fairy tales


The photographer revived the famous fairy tales


The photographer revived the famous fairy tales


Keywords: Author | Brothers grimm | Adults | Magic | Kiev | Rapunzel | The Little Mermaid | Fairy tales

