The Mystery of the Anomalous Armenian Mount Aragats, Where Objects Roll Upwards

Categories: Nature | Travel |

Mount Aragats in western Armenia is more than just a natural landmark. It is a place that excites the minds of scientists, paranormal enthusiasts, and ordinary tourists. People come here not only for the breathtaking views, but also to witness a mysterious phenomenon: on one of the slopes of this mountain, the laws of physics seem to break down. Here, a stream flows upward, and objects thrown to the ground roll up instead of down, as gravity requires. What does Mount Aragats hide? Why does it attract so much attention, and is there a scientific explanation for these phenomena?

The Mystery of the Anomalous Armenian Mount Aragats, Where Objects Roll Upwards

Aragats is a majestic mountain located just 40 kilometers from Yerevan. It is the highest point in Armenia, rising to 4095 meters. The mountain consists of four peaks, named after the cardinal directions - West, East, North and South. In the center of the mountain is a huge crater 3 kilometers in diameter and 350 meters deep, which remained after ancient volcanic eruptions.

The Mystery of the Anomalous Armenian Mount Aragats, Where Objects Roll Upwards

The slopes of Mount Aragats have a complex relief. They are crossed by numerous gorges with rivers, alternating with small valleys. There are also many lakes of glacial origin. The largest of them are Kari, Amberd, Umroy and Lessing. A highway with dizzying bridges and dangerous turns passes through all this splendor.

The Mystery of the Anomalous Armenian Mount Aragats, Where Objects Roll Upwards

A traveler moving along the route can enjoy amazingly beautiful and incredibly diverse landscapes. These places are especially beautiful in spring and summer, when the valleys and slopes are covered with flowers - alpine violets, blue forget-me-nots, wild white lilies and scarlet poppies.

Mount Aragats is not only a natural wonder, but also a place shrouded in many legends. The most famous story is about the Armenian king Ara the Beautiful and the Assyrian queen Semiramis. The queen was madly in love with Ara, but, unable to win his heart, she unleashed a war against Armenia. The battle took place in a picturesque valley at the foot of Mount Aragats. The Assyrians won, and Semiramis ordered to immediately capture Ara. At this time, his loyal warriors, desperate to save the king, entered into the last battle.

The Mystery of the Anomalous Armenian Mount Aragats, Where Objects Roll Upwards

However, one of Semiramis' lovers, wanting to get rid of her obsession, shot Ara with a poisoned arrow from his bow. Ara the Beautiful died on the battlefield. Semiramis ordered that the body be brought to her for farewell. The soldiers searched for Ara's body on the battlefield for a long time, but they never found it.

The Mystery of the Anomalous Armenian Mount Aragats, Where Objects Roll Upwards

The warriors of the Armenian king, wanting to save the symbol of royal power - the Imperial throne, hid with it in the mountains. The throne, inlaid with precious stones, personified the strength and unity of the Armenian people. In the darkness of the night, when the enemies were destroying the city, the defenders managed to carry the throne to the top of a majestic mountain. Despite the desperate search of the Assyrian soldiers, the throne was never found. The defenders hid it among the snow-capped peaks of Aragats, where it remained safe.

Since then, the mountain has received its name - Aragats, which means "Ara's throne". This story has been passed down by Armenians for centuries, symbolizing the resilience and rebelliousness of their people.

But the slopes of Aragats attract not only with legends and picturesque views. The most famous place on the mountain is the section of the highway that runs near Lake Kari. This is the most mysterious place in the Armenian Highlands, where the laws of physics work differently than everywhere else. An observer driving along the road thinks that a stream runs up the slope. Pedestrians note that it is much easier to walk uphill here than downhill: for some reason, the usual force of gravity does not work in this particular place and does not hinder movement. A thrown plastic bottle will also rush uphill. This also works with heavier objects. If you turn off the engine, the car will roll up.

The Mystery of the Anomalous Armenian Mount Aragats, Where Objects Roll Upwards

This phenomenon attracts the attention of researchers from all over the world. Here you can meet In this place you can meet scientists with serious devices, fans of paranormal theory with pendulums and frames, and of course just curious people with photo and video cameras. But what is really happening on the slopes of Aragats? Perhaps this is a zone with curved space, as some supporters of mystical theories suggest, or there is a powerful magnetic plate underground that changes the trajectory of objects.

One of the most popular hypotheses among supporters of anomalous phenomena is the existence of an anomalous zone with curved space. According to this theory, a spatial anomaly may occur on Aragats, due to which the usual laws of physics work differently. Another version suggests the presence of underground magnetic anomalies that could affect the movement of objects.

The Mystery of the Anomalous Armenian Mount Aragats, Where Objects Roll Upwards

Such explanations sound exciting, but require colossal magnetic forces, which makes them somewhat fantastic. Nevertheless, these theories fuel interest in the mountain and attract both ordinary tourists and researchers of unusual phenomena. But such explanations cannot satisfy people accustomed to believing in scientific facts. And a logical explanation for the anomalous phenomena on Aragats does exist.

Everyone is familiar with illusions that make us believe in what we see, misleading us. These can be drawings, objects and even entire structures created by man. The anomalous zone on the slope of Aragats is the same illusion, the author of which is nature. For it to work, several conditions must be met, which are concentrated precisely in this place.

The Mystery of the Anomalous Armenian Mount Aragats, Where Objects Roll Upwards

Firstly, in the "paranormal" place the horizon line is not visible. Because of this, it is difficult for a person to determine in which direction the surface of the earth is tilted. In fact, no matter how much we would like to believe otherwise, objects here roll down, not up. The deception is reinforced by the objects located around. Trees and bushes here grow perpendicular to the ground, which has a slope. This confuses the viewer.

Mountain bikers are familiar with this phenomenon. The terrain around them may seem completely horizontal, and the slope is determined only by the change in pedal effort. This phenomenon is called a "false plane." Such illusions are not only found on Aragats. Similar phenomena can be found in different parts of the world, and each time they cause similar emotions in observers - admiration and bewilderment. Russia also has many mysterious places that are worth visiting.

If you decide to visit this mysterious area, it is best to do so in the summer or spring, when the mountain slopes are covered with flowers and the roads are still passable. Lake Kari, where anomalous phenomena occur, will be an excellent starting point for your journey through Aragats. Make sure you are well prepared for your journey through the mountains, as the weather here can change very quickly.

The Mystery of the Anomalous Armenian Mount Aragats, Where Objects Roll Upwards

So what does Mount Aragats hide? Paranormal phenomena or just an illusion created by nature? Regardless of the answer, this place continues to puzzle, inspire and attract those who seek answers to the mysteries of nature and history. Try visiting this amazing mountain and see for yourself: where else can you see objects defying gravity?

