The mysterious beauty of a kiss

Categories: North America | Photo project |

The series of pictures "Kiss", created by photographer Maggie West from Los Angeles for her book of the same name, contains images of couples of people kissing each other in the light of multi-colored, surreal lamps. The series demonstrates a unique, abstract approach to this mysterious action, which has been depicted for hundreds of years. By placing the familiar way of showing sympathy and intimacy in such colorful conditions, the book forces readers to rethink the intimacy and energy that is invisibly present in each embrace.

The mysterious beauty of a kiss
The mysterious beauty of a kiss

The mysterious beauty of a kiss

The mysterious beauty of a kiss

The mysterious beauty of a kiss

The mysterious beauty of a kiss

The mysterious beauty of a kiss

The mysterious beauty of a kiss

The mysterious beauty of a kiss

The mysterious beauty of a kiss

The mysterious beauty of a kiss

Keywords: USA | North America | Kiss | Photographer | Love | Los Angeles | Photo project | Couples | Hugs

