The most unusual lighthouses in the world

Categories: World |

The lighthouse is a guiding star that sends an information beam to ships at night. The history of these buildings begins from ancient times. Today, due to the development of technology, their role is fading. Perhaps in the near future lighthouses will become just tourist objects, evoking thoughts of adventure literature, where the main actions take place at sea.

The most unusual lighthouses in the world
The most unusual lighthouses in the world
The most unusual lighthouses in the world
The most unusual lighthouses in the world

10th place. Argentina. Beagle Strait. Lighthouse Forest-Eclairs. (Damien Roué)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world
The most unusual lighthouses in the world

9th place. USA. The state of Michigan. White Shoal Lighthouse (Mark)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

8th place. Spain. La Coruna. The lighthouse is the Hercules Tower. (Bernt Rostad)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

7th place. Canada. Nova Scotia. Peggis Point Lighthouse. (arch2452)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

Canada. Nova Scotia. Peggis Point Lighthouse. (statm5)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

6th place. Irish. County Donegal. Faned Head Lighthouse. (myheimu)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

5th place. USA. Newport, Oregon. Yaquin Lighthouse. (Bill Briare)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

USA. Newport, Oregon. Yaquin Lighthouse. (Charles Dawley)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

4th place. USA. The state of Maine. Acadia National Park. Lighthouse Bass. (Tom Bricker)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

USA. The state of Maine. Acadia National Park. Lighthouse Bass. (Dave Wilson)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

3rd place. USA. Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Big Red Lighthouse. (Jim D)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

2nd place. USA. Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Portland Head Light Lighthouse. (Brent Danley)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

USA. Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Portland Head Light Lighthouse. (NoahBKaplan)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

1st place. Germany. Bavaria. Lindau Lighthouse. (Ashwin Chandrasekaran)

The most unusual lighthouses in the world

Germany. Bavaria. Lindau Lighthouse. (Kiefer)

Keywords: Lighthouse | Sea

