The most unusual fence in the world

Categories: World |

It all began two decades ago, back in 1999. Then four girls celebrated Christmas in a bar, and coming out of it in the morning, hung their bras on the fence. So there was a Fence of Bras Cardrona, Central Otago, New Zealand.

The most unusual fence in the world

Since then, the fence filled up by more and more number of clothes. Now there are thousands of bras, and the fence has long been a tourist attraction.

The most unusual fence in the world
The popularity of the Fence Bras grew rapidly, and every new arriving tourists considered his duty to complement the collection. Unfortunately, not all residents were happy with it.

Some believe the fence is offensive, and even too dangerous for drivers on this road.

The most unusual fence in the world
The most unusual fence in the world
The most unusual fence in the world

But later, during a local festival enthusiasts tried to beat the record of the world's longest chain of bras, hung out in a range of 7,400 pieces that was on 100 thousand less than the world record. But this attempt had earned $ 10,000 to charity.

The most unusual fence in the world
The most unusual fence in the world
The most unusual fence in the world
The most unusual fence in the world
The most unusual fence in the world

Keywords: Lingerie | Bra fence | Bra | Underwear

