The most ridiculous taxes in the world

Categories: World |

History has taught us that taxes can be imposed on almost anything, although this does not always bring positive results in the form of budget revenues. After all, as Benjamin Franklin said, only death and taxes are inevitable in this world... we present you the 10 most ridiculous taxes in the world.

The most ridiculous taxes in the world
The most ridiculous taxes in the world

Belgium: tax on cooking on the grill.

The most ridiculous taxes in the world

USA: tan tax.

The most ridiculous taxes in the world

Estonia: tax on digestive gases from the intestines of cows.

The most ridiculous taxes in the world

South Africa: a tax on the development of professional skills.

The most ridiculous taxes in the world

Greece: pool tax.

The most ridiculous taxes in the world

Austria: gypsum tax.

The most ridiculous taxes in the world

Balearic Islands: sun tax.

In the photo: expensive Balearic sun.

The most ridiculous taxes in the world

China: tax on chopsticks.

The most ridiculous taxes in the world

Venice: shadow tax.

The most ridiculous taxes in the world

Hungary: a tax on unhealthy food.

Keywords: Taxes | Absurdity

