The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

Categories: Health and Medicine |

Everyone has heard and knows the terrible stories that a person can accidentally or even voluntarily swallow objects that are not intended for this at all. In most cases, these stories are told about children, but we will prove that adults have also made their contribution, and a considerable one.

Here are just a few examples of the things that have been found in the human stomach.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach
The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

One woman in China swallowed 20 pieces of stones. Ask why? She had quarreled with her boyfriend, and it seemed to her the only sure way to end the evening.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

Yes, swallowing silverware is an expensive pleasure. What about the 78 silver spoons that a 52-year-old woman swallowed in the Netherlands?

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

A man came to one of the Chinese hospitals with complaints of abdominal pain. Doctors took an X-ray and found a glass bottle in the stomach.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

Have you ever held a nail in your teeth when your hands are busy with a hammer? Here is a picture of a man from China who coughed while working.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

We warned you, do not look if you have just sat down to lunch. Once an 18-year-old girl had a lump of wool weighing 4.5 kg removed from her stomach.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

Here, perhaps, only children swallow batteries. X-ray of a 13-month-old baby.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

Frenchman Michel Lotito became famous for eating inedible objects, he was even called Monsieur Eat Everything. His diet at one time included airplane wings, bicycles, supermarket carts, televisions and much more.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

X-ray of the terrorist-he swallowed a grenade. However, it is unclear how he was going to blow it up…

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

One little boy ate one part of a toy with a magnet at a time. When at last all the parts of the toy were in the boy's stomach, they connected.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

And this is the picture of a man who swallowed a considerable amount of drugs in order to smuggle them across the border.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

Some prisoners are ready to swallow anything to get out of prison, for example, to the hospital — even the springs from the mattress.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

Now you will not surprise anyone with a dish of eel. But not everyone is ready to eat it while it is still alive and moving.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

Parents, pay more attention to your children. After all, they can swallow anything that comes to hand — even a safety pin.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

Many men want to be romantic and make an offer to their half in some unusual way. And many people use, for example, food to hide a surprise in the form of a ring there. So, men, make an offer before your betrothed decides to try this dish with a surprise.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

One woman did not find toothpicks at home after lunch and decided to use scissors.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

And prisoners also swallow cell phones.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

The 62-year-old man swallowed $ 650 worth of coins, as well as several necklaces and bracelets.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

A prisoner in Pakistan swallowed an electric light bulb. However, when the doctors removed it, the man was no less shocked than the medical staff.

The most creepy objects that have ever been found in a human stomach

In some areas of China, people believe that eating living creatures will help with digestion. One Chinese man has been doing this for 40 years, and everything is fine with his digestion.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Man | X-ray | Stomach | Stupidity

