The Khachaturian sisters killed their own father, but thousands of people came to their defense. Why?

Categories: Society |

Over the past few days, everyone has been discussing the Khachaturian sisters on the Internet. All because the Investigative Committee charged the girls under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Murder by a group of persons by prior agreement." Now the older and middle sisters face up to 20 years in prison, the younger one has been released from criminal liability, as she was found insane.

As it was found out, the reason for the murder was the regular moral and physical violence of the father towards his daughters. However, the investigation did not consider this a mitigating circumstance, so the girls risk spending an impressive part of their lives behind bars. Internet users stood up for the victims by launching a flash mob #Svobodusestramkhachaturyan.

The Khachaturian sisters killed their own father, but thousands of people came to their defense. Why?

The murder of businessman Mikhail Khachaturian took place at the end of July 2018 in Moscow. The body of a man with 40 stab wounds was found on the landing at the entrance of house No. 56 on Altufyevsky Highway. According to the initial version of the investigation, the murder occurred spontaneously: allegedly, the father was the first to swing a knife at one of the daughters and others stood up for her. But it soon became clear that the Khachaturian sisters had planned their father's death in advance, as they were tired of living in captivity of a tyrant.

Relations in the Khachaturian family were very difficult. All neighbors and acquaintances described the deceased as an aggressive, ruthless, impulsive and immoral person. In addition, there were rumors that he was a criminal authority and engaged in drug trafficking.

Mikhail and Aurelia with their first child

The Khachaturian family has been living in Moscow since 1997. Mikhail and his common—law wife had four children - three weather girls and one son. Over time, the wife, unable to withstand her husband's nagging, ran away to her parents in Moldova. A little later, the son also left the house. At the time of the tragedy, Khachaturian remained with his three daughters.

The girls were described as friendly, friendly and sociable. However, according to neighbors, they rarely went outside, as their father forbade them to do so. During the clarification of all the circumstances of the case, it became known that the Khachaturian sisters were always under strict control: their father checked their correspondence in social networks, followed them with hidden cameras, sometimes did not even let them go to school. By the way, it was because of the frequent absenteeism that the girls were not allowed to take the Unified State Exam.

But the most terrible thing became clear after the DNA examination, which confirmed Khachaturian's sexual relationship with one of the girls. According to the sisters, they were regularly subjected to moral, physical and sexual violence.

During the search of the apartment where the murder took place, they found a whole arsenal of weapons: a rifle, a crossbow, several pneumatic, gas and signal pistols. All these things belonged to the deceased man. And two kilograms of heroin, which the police found in his Audi Q7 car.

Within the next two months, the sisters' case should be brought to court. The girls were charged under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Murder by a group of persons by prior agreement." The younger of the sisters was declared insane and transferred to a psychiatric hospital.

The middle and older sister face from 8 to 20 years in prison. But social media users are outraged by this development. The writer was one of the first to react to the incident Narine Abgaryan. In her Facebook profile, the woman wrote that she considers the accusation unfair.

The Khachaturian sisters killed their own father, but thousands of people came to their defense. Why?

Also, the owners of the channel "Feminists explain" sided with the girls. They called on all those who are not indifferent to organize online actions and go out on pickets to draw the attention of the authorities to this unheard-of story.

The Khachaturian sisters killed their own father, but thousands of people came to their defense. Why?

The first photos from such pickets have already begun to appear on the web.

Many users speak out in support of the girls, saying that only the father is to blame for this situation.

Internet users publish their posts in support of the Khachaturian sisters under the hashtags #trisestra, #mysestryhachaturyan and #Svobodusestramhachaturyan.

But some users disagree that the girls need to be released. In their opinion, murder should be punished and criminals should be in prison.

Such comments appeared on the page of the Feminists Explain society on Instagram, under a post where the author calls on people to support an online flash mob in defense of the Khachaturian sisters.

The Khachaturian sisters killed their own father, but thousands of people came to their defense. Why?

Meanwhile on the website A petition was published demanding that the Khachaturian sisters be fully acquitted. Currently, it has been signed by more than 50 thousand people. It is noteworthy that recently we talked about a similar petition in which users demand the release of a mother who killed her sadistic husband (a terrible story).

It is obvious that in Russia there is still a problem of family violence and the lack of punishment for it. We can only hope that the lawyers of the injured girls will make every effort to achieve a fair hearing of their cases.

What do you think about this? Do you consider the Khachaturian sisters victims or murderers?

Keywords: Violence | Father | Crime | Family | Sisters | Court | Murder | Criminal case | Flash mob

