The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

Categories: Photo project |

Janos Stekovics — Hungarian photographer and publisher from Germany. These pictures of twin brothers he did on their farm in the 1980s, the Lucas Twins were 63 years old when the photographer visited their village. Janos and Istvan lived in the Hungarian region Pushta and owned a number of pairs of things: two bikes, and two sheepskin capes, the two carts and the same clothes they'd worn for two decades. All their lives they have lived on their land 5 km from the nearest paved road, and to get to them was quite difficult. They did not smoke, did not drink, raised cattle. They had a well, but there was no electricity, so they didn't have to.

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

The Gemini project of the Hungarian photographer jános Stechovice

Keywords: Hungary | The twins | 80s photo

