The first grave with a TV appeared at the cemetery in Novosibirsk

Funeral culture is constantly developing and at the same time does not deny innovation. The days of impressive gangster monuments of the 90s are in the past and new trends are in fashion today. The first tombstone with a built-in TV broadcasting videos appeared at the cemetery of the Novosibirsk Crematorium.

The first grave with a TV appeared at the cemetery in Novosibirsk

This unusual grave invariably attracts the attention of visitors to the cemetery. Instead of a portrait of the deceased, a TV screen was placed on the monument. He broadcasts videos with moments from the life of the deceased and his pictures. The tombstone is a two-tiered structure, the lower part of which is occupied by an urn with ashes, and the upper part is a liquid crystal monitor.

The first grave with a TV appeared at the cemetery in Novosibirsk

Marcel Mukhametshin, an engineer from Naberezhnye Chelny, invented the monument. He installed a tombstone on the grave of two relatives in order to preserve their memory as living people. The inventor believes that such a solution preserves the image of a deceased person much better, which, alas, is gradually erased from memory.

Mukhametshin presented a monument with a screen at the exhibition of ritual products in Yekaterinburg in 2018. There, representatives of the Novosibirsk Crematorium became interested in an unusual monument. As you know, this organization is famous for its innovative approach to burial. The crematorium has created a whole park of curiosities and attractions on its territory.

Now visitors to the crematorium, in addition to the museum and zoo, can also see a unique digital columbarium. Employees of the cemetery say that it arouses great interest and many come specially to see it. Funeral specialists are sure that such tombstones are the future. This is a great way to tell descendants about what the deceased was like during his lifetime and to imprint him in memory.

