The cult of beauty: why all teenage girls in Lebanon have rhinoplasty

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Many Lebanese women have a genetically large nose. But in Lebanon, the cult of beauty is like in Brazil, only even stronger, so at the age of 17, almost all girls have rhinoplasty.

The cult of beauty: why all teenage girls in Lebanon have rhinoplasty

Women in Lebanon have big noses – but now there is an opportunity to fight with nature. Parents believe that it is better to solve the problem before adulthood, so that when it's time to fall in love and go on dates, their daughter does not have a complex.

They will do everything so that she can choose her fiance, and not agree to the proposal of the first person she meets (approximately the same considerations in Russia are guided by those who put braces on their teeth for their teenagers). Karin Halabi (pictured) is 17 years old, she is very happy with her rhinoplasty.

The cult of beauty: why all teenage girls in Lebanon have rhinoplasty

Karin Halabi

Karin's mother, Diana, is older and sees more:

In French magazines they endlessly write that beauty can be different – with us it sounds completely absurd. Either you're beautiful or you're not. When I travel abroad, I don't care how I look, I put on shorts and a T-shirt and I'm happy! But here in Lebanon, I care, and I do not know why."

The cult of beauty: why all teenage girls in Lebanon have rhinoplasty

Quarrel. The father reminds about the curfew of 18-year-old Karin, who is going to a party at school

The main clients of plastic surgeons are girls from poor families. Because it's easier for a beauty, other things being equal, to get a high-paying job. The demand for plastic surgery has increased so much that a few years ago, the First National Bank of Lebanon offered a special loan program that allows all working women under the age of 64 to get a loan for plastic surgery without hassle.

Lydia from Papillon Rouge salon comments:

The cult of beauty: why all teenage girls in Lebanon have rhinoplasty

A young girl after rhinoplasty. Lebanon

Everything related to the beauty industry is the most important business in Beirut. New salons are opening on every corner, all the girls of the city go there regularly (!) - this is part of life, how to brush your teeth and buy milk.

The war in Lebanon is hopefully in the past. After her, Beirut turned itself into a city where the most beautiful girls in the world live.

The cult of beauty: why all teenage girls in Lebanon have rhinoplasty

Before the party at the 9-year-old girlfriend's, the children are waiting for their turn for a professional make-up

Childhood is given to a girl in order to learn how to be a beauty. Mothers in Lebanon are very responsible about this part of the pedagogical process. It begins when the child turns one year old. A little later, in addition to school lessons, the schedule includes a SPA, manicure, makeup and a personal hairdresser.

Maya Hilal opened a Spa salon in 2009-Tacular Salon and Spa - for children from five years old:

The cult of beauty: why all teenage girls in Lebanon have rhinoplasty

Hilal has opened a bright, cheerful and very profitable salon. She is always happy to explain her concept:

I must say that modernly educated children are strict not only to themselves, but also to others. Going to a party for a 9-year-old birthday girl, her friends will go through the entire standard beauty circle - from massage and peeling to bright makeup and manicure. Otherwise it is impossible – bad form!

The cult of beauty: why all teenage girls in Lebanon have rhinoplasty

Before going to the birthday party, the girls took a queue for an express manicure

The plastic industry in Lebanon is developing so successfully that, following women from the Middle East, girls from Europe and the USA have actively reached here. In 2011, Beirut surpassed even Los Angeles in the number of plastic surgeries!

The cult of beauty: why all teenage girls in Lebanon have rhinoplasty

Psychologists know that when turning to a plastic surgeon, teenagers (as well as adult women) do not see their main goal as a new nose, but cardinal changes in life - respect, new friends, new fans. It often turns out this way – changing your appearance for the better increases self-esteem, and good self-esteem really works wonders!

The key word here is "for the better", so before you change anything, sit down with the surgeon in front of the computer with your photo so that he shows exactly how the appearance will change after the operation. If you fall in love with this future face, if the printout withstands a sociological survey among your loved ones (including the hairdresser – they know how to objectively look at someone else's appearance), then it makes sense to change.

The cult of beauty: why all teenage girls in Lebanon have rhinoplasty

Lebanese women celebrate a friend's birthday in a club. Botox is in every face in this photo

If in Europe the cost of rhinoplasty starts from 5-10 thousand euros, then in Beirut such an operation can be done for 2 thousand. Surgeons in the country are experienced and attentive. As a bonus for the patient – the Mediterranean climate and fantastic food.

Travel agencies actively sell "aesthetic tours" to Lebanon, which provide, in addition to accommodation and excursions, individual packages of services for plastic surgery. And if adult women are primarily in a hurry to get rid of extra pounds, an imperfect nose, bust and wrinkles, then teenagers all over the world have the same claims – nose and ears.

Keywords: Beirut | Girls | Lebanon | Plastic | Teenagers | Beauty salon

