The caterpillar has become an internet star

Believe it or not, this little caterpillar with grass blades caused a real sensation on the web. It all started when someone posted this photo on Reddit, and other members immediately began to send various funny photoshopped pictures with her participation. As you can see, no one is safe from becoming a victim of Photoshoppers.


The caterpillar has become an internet star

1. My neighbor Totoro.

The caterpillar has become an internet star

2. Great fishing day.

The caterpillar has become an internet star

3. In a nightclub.

The caterpillar has become an internet star

4. Dangerous Japanese caterpillar.

The caterpillar has become an internet star

5. Caterpillar through the looking glass.

The caterpillar has become an internet star

6. General Grievous.

The caterpillar has become an internet star

7. Pirates of the XXI century.

The caterpillar has become an internet star

8. Rest on the islands.

Keywords: Caterpillar | Animal | Fame | Social network | Sensation | Web | Internet | Photo | Picture | Photoshop | Design | Star

