The Australian woman has an exceptional memory and does not forget anything

Categories: Health and Medicine |

Do you remember your first birthday? Of course not. Most people simply can't remember it. However, 30-year-old Rebecca Sharrock from the Australian city of Brisbane remembers, and even in detail. The girl has hyperthymesia, or hyperthymesticsyndrome — - a unique ability to remember and reproduce an extremely large amount of information about her own life.

There are still 60-80 people in the world who can remember every day of their lives. Scientists still do not have a clear understanding of the nature of this phenomenon.

The Australian woman has an exceptional memory and does not forget anything

Rebecca can tell the details of absolutely any day of her life, whether it's the dress she wore when she was 2 years old, or how she was photographed in a car when she was 12 days old. 

The Australian woman has an exceptional memory and does not forget anything

Rebecca can even quote the entire Harry Potter book series. Now the Australian has written a book about her life with an absolute autobiographical memory.

The Australian woman has an exceptional memory and does not forget anything

The Australian woman has an exceptional memory and does not forget anything

The Australian woman has an exceptional memory and does not forget anything

The Australian woman has an exceptional memory and does not forget anything

The girl was examined by American scientists and confirmed that Rebecca's memory is really unique. At the same time, as a child, doctors diagnosed her with serious psychological problems: autism spectrum disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, over time, she became a completely normal person and apart from her phenomenal memory, she does not stand out among others.

The Australian woman has an exceptional memory and does not forget anything

Rebecca takes part in two studies, thanks to which scientists hope to find answers to many questions concerning the work of the brain and human memory.

The Australian woman has an exceptional memory and does not forget anything

Perhaps these studies will help people with dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

The Australian woman has an exceptional memory and does not forget anything

Interview with Rebecca and her mother, who, by the way, does not have a good memory — she always forgets the birthdays of relatives and does not remember her own phone number.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Life | Phenomenon | Memory | Memories | Syndrome | Australia | Australia and new zealand

