The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

Big cities desperately lack nature, that's a fact. But, fortunately, modern architects are successfully finding loopholes to solve the problem and green the space around. And even nondescript buildings begin to shine with new colors.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof
The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

A fairytale house with a green roof is hidden in a park not far from bustling Tokyo. Perhaps both children and adults would want to live in such a place for a while.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

The ACROS International Hall building in Fukuoka is a green oasis in the city center. About 35 thousand plants are comfortably placed on 15 cascades of terraces and delight the eyes of passers-by.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

The building in Eilat is decorated with spherical trees and looks very cheerful. In addition to the attention of passers-by, its guests get a great opportunity to hide from the sultry southern sun for a while.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

The entire building is built with green technology in mind, but the roof is a special charm. You can stroll along the flowerbeds and beds and look at modern skyscrapers.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

The spa hotel, designed by Austrian architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser, is a true architectural masterpiece. A whole mix of shrubs, trees and lawn grass is planted on the undulating roof.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

A bizarre lawn pattern was woven on the roof of a Chinese house, skillfully disguising the building as the surrounding nature.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

A small garden that can be implemented on any garden plot. A resourceful solution to the topic “Where else to plant flowers.” Mom will definitely like it.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

The campus of Nanyang Technological University is the largest in Singapore and definitely the most positive. Students who are tired of studying within four walls simply need to move to the roof to lift their spirits.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

It is not easy for ordinary passersby to get to the roof of the City Hall building in Chicago without a special tour, but it is visually accessible to 33 high-rise buildings in the area. And from the roof itself they collect about 200 pounds of honey every year, by the way.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

Turf roofs in Scandinavian countries still won’t surprise anyone. And until the middle of the 20th century, this was generally the most common type of roofing. Long-standing traditions and a good microclimate in houses are so popular with residents of the northern regions that many still live in them today.

The architects of these houses proved that a garden can be created even on the roof

The owners of a Swedish restaurant in one of the states of America went even further. They not only recreated the national house, but also registered the original trademark - goats on the roof.

