The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

Categories: Cinema | Technology |

Actress Carrie Fisher, died in December of 2016 from cardiac arrest. Fans of the Saga were expecting to see their favorite actress in the ninth episode of "Star wars" and after her death, but she's in the film and has not appeared. It would seem, nothing unusual in that, but it was a surprise for fans, as earlier the brother of Carrie Todd Fisher, said that he gave consent to use the image of the dead sister in the picture. Then this statement especially not surprise anyone: in the history of cinema there have been several cases when the actor through computer technology or other contrivances raised on the screen. Them we have decided to tell you.

The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

Perhaps you have watched the Oscar-winning biographical film by Tim Burton "ed wood" with johnny Depp in the title role. Johnny plays, in fact, Edward wood — Hollywood filmmaker of the last mid-century, rightfully acclaimed as the worst Director of all times and peoples. This gentleman rented a really crappy movie, but in the annals of history will remain forever. And here's why.

The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

In 1959, wood was filming on the most famous of his painting "Plan 9 from outer space" (the rating on Imdb is 4.0 out of 10). The main role was played by Hollywood star Bela Lugosi, who played in the famous movie "Dracula" in 1931. Filmed only ten minutes, when Lugosi died. Directors faced with a dilemma: start over and lose the popular name on the poster or Dodge.

The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

Wood, of course, chose the second option. The role of the understudy he was invited to the masseur for his wife. Of course, he covered his face with his cloak. In the course went and archival materials taken from "Dracula" — wood just glue them to his belt. So in Hollywood learned that the dead can also do cash.

The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

The legendary Bruce Lee died during the work on the film "Game of death", which was performed simultaneously as the main character and Director. According to the generally accepted version, he took a pill for a headache, which led to swelling of the brain and sudden death.

The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

After the tragedy of the film was done in primitive conditions for several years. In the script added a wounded hero in person, and it is to some extent justified, why Billy Bo in the beginning of the tape is not similar to himself in the end. Sometimes funding is not even enough for doubles — we used a cardboard figure of Bruce Lee.

The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

In the XXI century at the disposal of film studios appeared plausible special effects. And then it began: in the movie, people began to appear, which was not long before work began on the film. For example, Lawrence Olivier "played" the main villain in the blockbuster "sky captain and the world of tomorrow" in 2004, despite the fact that he died 15 years before.

The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

And Marlon Brando (or rather, its computer reconstruction) two years after death appeared in "Superman returns".

The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

The franchise "fast and furious" was at risk, when Paul Walker died in a car accident during the shooting of the seventh part. Indeed, it is possible to make a movie about racing on steep wheelbarrows, after leading man burn to death after an accident at a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour? But the Universal Studio this ethical aspect is not confused.

The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

Brothers Paul Cody and Caleb are attracted to the shooting, but stand-ins, they did not. The walkers performed a more psychological function. "Their presence on the set makes us all feel like Paul is still alive," said Universal. Director James WAN rummaged through the files of the series and borrowed scenes with Paul Walker, which were not included in the final version other parts: draft content for six feature films have accumulated enough. Digital special effects provided Studio WETA created Gollum for the Lord of the rings, and uninitiated viewers did not notice.

The Almighty Hollywood: the actors who played in the movie after he died

If Olivier and Brando in the postmortem films in any of the frames not visible in full growth, the creators of last year's blockbuster "Outlaw-single. Star wars: Stories" climbed to such a level, beyond which, probably, already nothing. This film was nominated for an Oscar for best visual effects including due to the fact that one of the major actors was the Grand Moff (I mean Governor) Tarkin in "performance" all the same Peter Cushing, who starred in the original trilogy. The Briton died in 1994, but in the picture he's walking, talking and generally does not issue in computer graphics.

Needless to say, such technologies are actively used in advertising. Released a lot of movies with people, which is no longer with us. For example, Bruce Lee advertises whiskey:

Keywords: Actors | Hollywood | Star wars | Dead | Death | Special effects | Movies

