The Alien Lil Mayo: who is it, from where and why is it so popular
There is a chance that even if you hear the name Lil Mayo for the first time, you have already met this character on the Internet. An alien who leads a debauched lifestyle and uses illegal substances is a frequent hero of memes in almost all social networks.
Source: VICE
In the pictures, he exclaims "ayy lmao", which means "aah, I laugh to tears". By the way, it was this exclamation that gave him his name. It can be considered a game of sounds from English ("ayy lmao" is read as "eeeee elemeo").
Alex Martin, Lil Mayo's "father", didn't know what he wanted to do after graduating from university. So he just went with the flow and continued to work in his father's store. At the age of 24, he was a vice president at the family architectural company. The earnings are decent, there is nothing to complain about, but Alex was bored.
In 2014, Alex created an account with memes @ayylmao.memes, containing many publications with aliens who "laugh to tears." In a couple of months, Instagram has gained more than 20,000 subscribers. Despite the increased popularity, Alex doubted his ability to continue creating cool and funny content.
In the process of searching, Alex decided that the future hero should be a prop of some popular movie and generally a rare object. His father and colleagues agreed that Alex went crazy when he decided to buy a doll for $ 750. But the guy was unstoppable.
Inspired by his new muse, Alex started creating content. First of all, Snapchat was created for the alien. In the new photos, Lil Mayo was opening beer bottles, relaxing on the couch, skateboarding.
Videos with the character gained the most popularity. One such video was shared with subscribers by model Black China, after which the video had millions of views.
When Alex realized the possible prospects, he quickly packed up all his things and moved from Massachusetts to Los Angeles to make his dreams come true. There he rented an office and launched his clothing brand SUCC.
One day, Lil Mayo received an invitation to Rihanna's party. Alex didn't believe it until he called the managers and agents of the star. It turned out to be true. So Mayo got a photo with the singer and a lot of new subscribers.
Now the alien has more than 1.5 million subscribers, and it seems that their number will only grow.