The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

Categories: North America | Society |

The founder and publisher of the obscene satirical magazine Hustler and other near-pornographic business initiatives, Larry Flint has lived a life full of public battles, some of which he won, and some of which he lost. In the 1970s and 1980s, he was a favorite target for so-called right-wing moralists in the United States, but like no one else, he was ready to fight back. The moralists ' test of strength led to an attempt on Larry Flint, after which the publisher was partially paralyzed.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

Since the release of the first issue in 1974, Hustler has rebelled against social norms, managing to excite, anger and entertain in equal measure. Hustler was a more decadent and perverse alternative to the relatively "toothless" Playboy and even the pseudo-gritty Penthouse, which did not show what the Larry Flint team showed. That is, men and women together. In large quantities.

In addition to what was happening on the pages of the magazine, Hustler also used attention-grabbing covers and parody advertisements to annoy his enemies. Here are ten of the most scandalous covers that caused a real storm in the United States at the time.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

The April 1978 issue is dedicated to Easter and exposes the commercialization of this religious holiday. Subsequently, Larry Flint repeatedly attacked clerics and moralists with the help of his magazine, openly declaring their hypocrisy.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

In May 1978, the cover of Hustler, released for Mother's Day, was devoted to the anatomy of a pregnant woman, and inside you could read articles about false television, torture and other hot topics. But no one really read it anyway.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

The November 2000 issue of the US presidential election proves that even in the era of increasingly accessible information, globalization and openness of views, Larry Flint could have caused a scandal. Readers are invited to learn about the connection of George W. Bush with right-wing religious figures, the situation of African Americans in the porn industry, and at the same time-about various sexual tricks, home porn videos and other not very politicized things.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

In July 1976, the issue of Hustler was dedicated to the bicentennial of US independence. Inside, a full-length poster of a girl was waiting for readers.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

In the March 1978 issue, Larry Flint rejected the idea of a girl on the cover, instead honestly writing that the magazine does not need a nude model to buy this issue, and that a coupon for a $ 1 million drawing is offered inside.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

The issue for April 1984 with a pissing boy was remembered, including an article about sex with a Soviet prostitute.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

In May 1984, Hustler invited its readers to learn shocking facts about how the details of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy were hidden, the real history of Marilyn Monroe, and the photo on the cover was taken on religion.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

The October 1983 punk-style issue addresses topics such as sexually transmitted diseases and the sexual predilections of the head of the Vatican.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

In August 1977, in the midst of one of the lawsuits against Larry Flint, the magazine plays the "rub and smell"technique. This method of advertising perfumes has already been widely used by publishers, and here the cover hints at the nature of the fragrance inside the issue. The fact is that the administration of the state of Georgia stated that Flint was trying to give the trial a smell of a vagina. In fact, the central page of the magazine smelled of women's perfume or deodorant.

The 10 most scandalous covers of Hustler magazine

On the cover of the magazine for June 1978, there is only half a woman passed through a meat grinder, and Larry Flint's statement that they will no longer expose women as pieces of meat.

Keywords: USA | North America | Porn | Scandals | Society | Provocation | Press | Covers | Magazines

