Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

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To create a realistic portrait, you need a skilled artist. Many tattoo lovers choose complex and intricate sketches to pay tribute to their beloved people and animals, but the results do not always resemble the objects of their affection in life.

Reddit users decided to imagine how the tattooed portraits would look in real life, using Photoshop to change the real faces and muzzles in the photos to what the would-be tattoo masters had drawn. It turned out not that scary, not that hilariously funny, or maybe both together.

(17 photos in total)

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life
Source: Daily Mail

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

Elvis Presley turned over in his grave.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

A man loves his children very much, even though they are ugly.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

What a family!

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

What a lovely daughter.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

The tiger will not forgive this.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

As a sign of love for his pet, the owner depicted him as some kind of mythical monster.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

The biblical story in a simplified way.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life


Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

The Beatles themselves did not expect this.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

Freddie Mercury, of course, was toothy, but not to the same extent.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

An even more creepy version of the Joker.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

The character from the TV series "The Walking Dead" himself looks like one of them.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

Benya, Benjamin, are you sick?

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

American actor, producer and hip-hop artist Steve-O. Smeared so smeared.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

Another crooked tiger.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

And another crooked mom.

Terribly bad tattoos on the skin and in life

And it was supposed to be Bob Marley, but something went very wrong.

Keywords: Reddit | Absurdity | Reality | Funny | Tattoo | Tattoos | Photoshop

