Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival

Every year, for nine days in a row, the Mexican town of Tultepec hosts a national pyrotechnic festival, which attracts not only pyrotechnics manufacturers and all kinds of onlookers. A significant part of the contingent is made up of pyromaniacs, who, apparently, get a lot of pleasure from the fact that immediately next to them, with a terrible roar, fireworks burst and fireworks fly by. New York-based photographer Thomas Prior visited the festival and took some impressive shots.

(Total 12 photos)

Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival

Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival

1. Every year for all lovers of pyrotechnic performances in Mexico, in the city of Tulpec, a 9-day festival is held.

Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival

2. Along with rides, food and music, the celebration includes amazing fireworks shows.

Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival

3. To the delight of all pyromaniacs, who flock here en masse for the celebration of fire and roar, all kinds of pyrotechnic shows remain the key event of the festival.

Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival

4. One of the most interesting entertainments is the Castillos competition.

Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival

5. Within 15 days, participants build entire castles out of wood and paper. At the same time, the lion's share of the structures is just pyrotechnics.

Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival

6. Structures installed on platforms are sent through the streets of the city, chaotically exploding and sparkling with lights.

Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival


Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival


Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival


Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival


Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival


Stunning pyrotechnics - Mexicans anneal at the fireworks festival


Keywords: Mexico | Pyrotechnics | Fireworks

