"Smartphones are 18 times dirtier than toilets": scientists have learned how to kill germs on our devices

Categories: Technology |

Have you ever wondered where so much dirt, dust and all sorts of other filth accumulates on the phone, once you remove the case from it? Extremely unpleasant, we agree. And even more unpleasant is the fact that on our smartphones, which we carry everywhere with us, including taking to bed, there are 18 times more bacteria than on the toilet in a public toilet.

You can, of course, become a hand-washing maniac or keep your phone in a cellophane bag, changing it every five minutes, but this is unlikely to make your smartphone cleaner.

"Smartphones are 18 times dirtier than toilets": scientists have learned how to kill germs on our devices
"Smartphones are 18 times dirtier than toilets": scientists have learned how to kill germs on our devices

PhoneSoap has appeared on the market, which will solve the problem with germs and squeamishness.

"Smartphones are 18 times dirtier than toilets": scientists have learned how to kill germs on our devices

The name of the product is telling — "soap for the phone". This does not mean that you will have to dip your phone in a bath with soapy water. PhoneSoap is a phone case with built—in disinfecting ultraviolet rays.

"Smartphones are 18 times dirtier than toilets": scientists have learned how to kill germs on our devices

Ultraviolet rays kill germs, which the heat of a working smartphone only helps to multiply, and the case also charges your device.

"Smartphones are 18 times dirtier than toilets": scientists have learned how to kill germs on our devices

Keywords: Dirt | Germs | Smartphones | Ultraviolet | Cleanliness

