Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

Categories: Sport |

Women's bodybuilding is a very controversial thing. Women with huge "banks", bulging veins all over their bodies look a little ... ahem ... exotic. Sometimes, if it were not for the presence of a bikini and cosmetics, it is rather difficult to recognize a female individual in these mountains of muscles.

German photographer Martin Schoeller, known for his close-up portraits, turned his lens to the extraordinary ladies whose stories you will learn from this issue.

(Total 9 photos)

Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

1. Carmella Cureton

Born in Baltimore (Maryland, USA). Lives in Atlanta (Georgia, USA). Has been bodybuilding for 25 years. Best results: New Jersey State Championship, 1994 - 1st place; US Championship, 1994 - 1st place.

Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

2. Nadia Nardi

She was born on November 21, 1976 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Lives in Victoria (British Columbia, Canada). Has been bodybuilding for 9 years. Best result: Canadian Championships, 2007 - 1st place overall.

Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

3. Mercedes Burns-Bazemoor

Born in Norfolk (Virginia, USA). Lives in Virginia Beach (Virginia, USA). Has been bodybuilding for 10 years, starting training at 40. Best result: Europa Super Show, 2004 - 4th place.

Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

4. Fanny Barrios

She was born on May 30, 1964 in Caracas (Venezuela). Died August 7, 2005. Best results: Jan Tana Classic, 2001 - 1st place; Jan Tana Classis, 2002 - 1st place; "Miss International", 2002 - 3rd place; "Miss Olympia", 2002 - 3rd place.

Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

5. Irene Anderson

She was born on September 9, 1966 in Denmark. Lives in the city of Vestra Frelunda (Sweden). Has been bodybuilding for 15 years. Best results: Jan Tana Classic, 2007 - 4th place; Sacramento Pro, 2007 - 7th.

Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

6. Maria-Leana Lehtonen

Born in 1968 in Tampere (Finland). Lives in Tampere. Has been bodybuilding since 1988. Best results: Jan Tana Classic, 2002 - 3rd place; Night of Champions, 2004 - 2nd place; Jan Tana Classic, 2007 - 3rd place.

Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

7. Lenda Murray

She was born on February 22, 1962 in Detroit (Michigan, USA). Lives in Venice (California, USA). I have been bodybuilding for 23 years. Best results: North American Championship, 1989 - 1st place; "Miss Olympia", 1990-95 and 2002-03 - 1st place.

Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

8 Michelle Davis

Born July 19, 1957 in Brooklyn (New York, USA). Lives in Alpharetta (Georgia, USA). Has been bodybuilding for 10 years. Best results: US Championship, 2002 - 4th place; US Championship, 2003 - 1st place.

Shocking "girls" bodybuilders

9. Sarah Bridges

She was born on June 8, 1970 in London (UK). Lives in London. Has been bodybuilding since 1991. Best results: British Championship, 2002 - 2nd place; British Championship, 2003 - 1st place.

Keywords: Bodybuilding | Women | Portrait | Studio photo

