Most girls want to lose weight, but this buxom babe is in no hurry to part with the pounds, but rather actively multiplies, earning it a considerable amount. Why fat continues to be fattened up themselves, and who like to watch sexual the absorption of burgers — learn from our material.
Sex and Burger: American weighing 200 pounds sexy absorb the food for the moneyThe 25-year-old Amanda Fay of California's huge number of fans who like to watch how she absorbs food and plays with the folds on your stomach. Amanda weighs more than 200 pounds and admits she has a brutal appetite.Sex and Burger: American weighing 200 pounds sexy absorb the food for the moneyThe girl earned the gluttony fortune. Every day fat consumes 10 000 calories, and thousands of her fans watching this online.
Sex and Burger: American weighing 200 pounds sexy absorb the food for the moneyButterball believes that all of the shapes and features of the human body is beautiful and nothing to be ashamed of hairy legs or a thick midsection. Amanda has a boyfriend who supports her 100%.Sex and Burger: American weighing 200 pounds sexy absorb the food for the moneyOnce she tried to lose weight but came to the conclusion that after losing 45 pounds, she became the same as everything around. Then she realized that she was much more comfortable to be big and special.Sex and Burger: American weighing 200 pounds sexy absorb the food for the moneyIn 2016, she learned about feederism and became a supporter of this movement. She likes to increase in size and to overeat, to become more. Other feeders is fun to watch people eat, gain weight and get fat.Sex and Burger: American weighing 200 pounds sexy absorb the food for the moneyAmanda more than 50 000 subscribers in social networks. She admits how much he earns, but for the access to their photos and videos posted on three different sites, girl takes $ 10 (660 rubles). For more communication in Snapchat you need to pay 50 dollars (3300 rubles), for a video call in FaceTime 100 dollars (6,600 rubles).Sex and Burger: American weighing 200 pounds sexy absorb the food for the moneyChubby publishes various videos and some she drinks soda and absorb food in large quantities, on the other — demonstrates her lush charms, shaking her tummy. Usually Amanda download two or three videos every day.Sex and Burger: American weighing 200 pounds sexy absorb the food for the moneyThe girl said that her fans ask most often is in front of the camera burgers and fruit. But sometimes ideas are more interesting and that she likes the most. Butterball never complain of boredom. She finds herself megapozitivny special, saying, what thing is to be honest with yourself and love yourself, and that's all that matters.Sex and Burger: American weighing 200 pounds sexy absorb the food for the moneyEveryone has a fetish. Fantasy is a thing inexplicable and very individual. If tens of thousands of fans like what does with food 200-pound beauty, so something in this. The important thing is that Amanda has no inferiority complex.