Secrets "udalenka", or How to work from home and stay sane

Categories: Life hacks |

Many of us are now in forced isolation and work remotely. Agree to motivate yourself to work at home is not easy, even strong-willed person. In addition, around there will always be something to distract from the business — family members with conversations, TV, comfortable sofa and finally the refrigerator. In such a situation to maintain equanimity and to minimize the impact of distractions?

Secrets "udalenka", or How to work from home and stay sane

Due to the fact that a lot of people because of the quarantine has moved from offices on the "udalenka", in the world there was a special caste "pajama employees" whose activities are subject to its own laws and has its own advantages and pitfalls.

This can be a serious test of aptitude and the fortress of the nervous system. How to work from home as efficiently as possible, to preserve the nervous system and not to destroy his family, says the psychologist, master of psychology, business coach Elina Landman.

Secrets "udalenka", or How to work from home and stay sane

In remote work the most difficult to accept the fact that established over the years, the format of "home-work" becomes stale and familiar to us, the boundaries between personal and public are blurred. Professional processes need to be reviewed — you don't know how to self-motivate and assess its performance, and in addition to this loved ones do not understand that you are still at work, though sitting at home.

In order not to escalate the already tense situation, the right thing to move the Board and hold a "round table". On the agenda you need to make two basic questions:

This will be the outer border concerning all who are close to you. But there are also internal boundaries, dealing directly with you. During the transition to remote work from home you should pay attention to the motivation (self-discipline) and socialization, that is, contacts with the world around you.

Strange as it sounds, but in the office it was easier, as was provided independent of your external circumstances. These include the order of the day, the alignment of objectives and priorities, as well as look of the kind adopted by the company standards. Now it's just your concern about it and should always remember.

Secrets "udalenka", or How to work from home and stay sane

If you are serious and plan to work with full dedication, the beginning of the day in my pajamas with a glass of champagne is definitely not for you. You need labels that indicate the operating mode and, in the first place, right surroundings. Well think — that you can be considered a symbol of the working environment, in addition to the computer and the phone.

You will have to create their particular "anchor" conducive to productive work and it may be open weekly a Cup of coffee in front of a computer, a stack of documents on edge of the table. Will also have to strictly define the temporal boundaries of beginning and end of the working day, lunch break and breaks for coffee.

Secrets "udalenka", or How to work from home and stay sane

If you do not live alone, then you inevitably will distract and this will have to be reconciled. The main distraction from work is the kitchen. If you go out to dinner or make your coffee, you may be drawn into conversation and even debate.

You can minimize the damage from such meetings, in advance having discussed the topic "not to distract Me I'm working". All around gotta get used to having a conversation with you is possible only in extreme cases or in cases of emergency, for example, if you feel unwell.

Question cooking also needs to bother you. You can not, working from home, distracted by cooking, so you need to discuss in advance with the household, one of them will be able to help you. Yes, the food must be timely and it would be nice that the meal was held in conjunction with loved ones.

Secrets "udalenka", or How to work from home and stay sane

To your working day passed productively, it is important to follow a few rules regarding planning your time. Obligatory time should be compiling a list of major and minor tasks for the coming day. Need to secure a morning rise at the same time and follow a sleep mode.

Don't forget about motivation. If you are planning to perform some tasks today, and successfully coped with them, Pat yourself on the back on tomorrow and plan on two more tasks. Don't forget to read for leisure, articles and sites specific to your specialty — it will be your small contribution to self-development.

Secrets "udalenka", or How to work from home and stay sane

The so-called "sleep mode" has another important property, which must be used — socialization. Working from home, you have contact with the outside world outside of professional channels. The problem with this point is the computer itself, which is both a working tool and an attribute of leisure.

You will need to break your head to come up with a leisure, not connected with the computer. It can be culinary experiments, Board games, crafts, or current at all times read. You should get a new positive emotions and the knowledge that your life is not turned into a gray routine.

Keywords: House | Quarantine | Office | Work | Family | Employee

