Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations

Categories: Exhibition |

We are all well aware of hyperrealist artists and sculptors, but we are used to them working with traditional techniques and materials. But the Spaniard Andoni Bastarrika (Andoni Bastarrika) is not an ordinary master. His works are very realistic, but, alas, they are not in danger of eternity. That's because he makes his sculptures out of ordinary beach sand.

Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations

Bastarrica is well known in Spain — his "solo exhibitions" can often be seen on the Mediterranean beaches of the country. Worldwide fame came to the sculptor via the Internet, after one of the users of the social network Reddit published in one of the communities a photo of one of his works — a figure of a resting bull.

Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations

The publication rapidly gained 120 thousand likes, and redditers began to search the web for photos of other sculptures of the talented Spaniard. Very soon Bastarrica attracted the attention of the world's media, and after that millions of people around the world began to follow his work.

Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations

In an interview with the press, Andoni says that he has been engaged in sand sculptures since 2010. It was then that he created a small mermaid figure on the beach and everyone really liked it. Now he can't imagine himself without art and has been constantly creating for the last 10 years.

Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations

According to the master, fragility is the only significant disadvantage of sand sculptures. But Bastarrica is not discouraged — his works remain in the memory of people and in hundreds of photographs taken by admirers of his talent.

Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations

Andoni prefers to sculpt animals, so he considers them beautiful, wise and worthy of reverence. In addition, animals are always sincere, what should a modern person learn from them.

Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations

In his work, the sculptor uses not only sand, but also liquid glass, as well as all kinds of dyes, necessarily of natural origin. Environmental friendliness is an important aspect of the Spaniard's work, because his works are located near the sea and eventually become part of it.

Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations

It is not so easy to sculpt sand figures, so it takes a lot of time for monumental works.

Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations
Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations
Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations
Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations
Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations
Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations
Sculptor Andoni Bastarrica and his amazing but short-lived sand creations

The best works of an unusual sculptor can be seen in his social network. networks.

