Scientists have determined is dangerous to humans, the dose of dairy products

From childhood we were taught that dairy products are useful and make us more beautiful and healthier. But recent research conducted by Russian scientists have shown that everything is good in moderation, including milk in all its forms. So how much milk should be consumed to benefit and not harm?

Scientists have determined is dangerous to humans, the dose of dairy products

Head of the Department of prevention of risk factors, Central research Institute of organization and Informatization of health Ministry of health of Russia Darya Khalturina said that in order to obtain from dairy products benefit, an adult should eat them not more than 200 grams per day.

This amount of consumed milk and its derivatives reduce the probability of death from all known natural causes. At the same time, increasing consumption of these products in excess of 400 grams, you risk getting the opposite effect and damage your body.

Dr. Khalturina and told that contrary to popular belief, products of milk, especially fermented such as yogurt, kefir, yoghurt and cheese, are healthier for the body than the milk itself. This is due to the fact that not all people tolerate lactose. The elderly generally not recommended to drink milk in its pure form, as it will the body only harm.

Scientists have determined is dangerous to humans, the dose of dairy products

Conducted study of the effect of milk on humans and in Spain. At the University of Granada and Complutense University of Madrid has determined that regularly including in your diet dairy products, people significantly reduces the risk of developing diabetes or cancer. This conclusion was made based on analysis of 12 articles devoted to this topic.

In the Russian Ministry of health agreed with our colleagues in Europe about the benefits of moderate consumption of this product, but questioned the ability of milk to influence the development of cancer. No doubt, speaking of food, do not forget about their quality. Modern milk purchased in the supermarket differs significantly from that sold in the shops of the Soviet era, not for the better.

Keywords: Studies | Ministry | Milk | Body | Benefits | University

