Scientists explain why we forget why we came into the room

Categories: Health and Medicine |

You're standing in the middle of the room and tried hard to recall exactly what came. Then, returning back, you suddenly remember that he was going to put the kettle or water the flower on the window. This unpleasant phenomenon is probably familiar to you. Many of this forgetfulness, manifested mainly in adults, scary — they associate it with old age and dementia. But the scientists were able to find the cause of this phenomenon and explained in detail what was happening.

Scientists explain why we forget why we came into the room
Scientists explain why we forget why we came into the room

Now we know that old age is nothing to do with good news came to us from Australia. Scientists from the University of bond called this phenomenon the "syndrome of the threshold", as noted, the thought flies out of my head exactly when moving to another room. It turns out that this is completely normal universal feature of human consciousness, which is found everywhere on the planet and is not associated with age, sex or occupation.

Scientists explain why we forget why we came into the room
Scientists explain why we forget why we came into the room

Scientists have studied the nature of the "syndrome of the threshold" and was very surprised. They conducted an experiment which showed volunteers a sequence of three-dimensional figures, and then forced them to walk through the virtual gallery rooms full of different objects and images.

During 3D-tour participants were periodically asked to recall the pattern of shapes shown in the beginning. Surprisingly, in this case, the brain has not failed and the number of subjects was called without error. It was possible to conclude that amnesia is purely domestic in nature and artificially induce it.

Scientists explain why we forget why we came into the room
Scientists explain why we forget why we came into the room

But Professor bond University did not give up — they complicated the task, forcing subjects during a virtual voyage to decide in your mind mathematical and logical problems. And it worked! The pattern started to forget every second during the experiment. Thus it was established that the "syndrome of the threshold" is evident in moments when our brains are overloaded with information and we dramatically changed the situation.

Simply put, the brain starts to process visual information, and the previous task just resets. But even here there are nuances. If we move in less monotonous interiors or in the same location, for example, drive on the road or roam a large store, this overload does not occur. And here's something new, for example, the output from the market, in the Parking lot or change the forest along the road to the field, can cause amnesia.

Scientists explain why we forget why we came into the room

Australians are sure that this "bug" of our consciousness is quite normal and if it happens sometimes, the danger to humans is not. It is quite another thing if the "syndrome of the threshold of the" face on a daily basis or even several times a day. It may already be signs of a serious illness, for example, Alzheimer's disease.

Keywords: Health and medicine | Room | University | Phenomenon | Memory | Brain | Psychologist

