Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Categories: Animals | Positive | World |

30-year-old American Adri Rachelle (Adri Rachelle) loves animals, which made his house a reserve. She cares for nearly 200 animals, and spends tens of thousands of dollars each year to her charges were in order. This girl not only rescues cats and dogs, and animals of completely different species. This girl has a great heart!

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

30-year-old Adri Rachelle from the U.S. state of Atlanta started their own reserve, Wild Things Sanctuary after years of saving animals that desperately needed help. She always wanted to help animals, and implemented the plan — now in her house is home to around 200 animals that survived because of her.

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Girl is spending huge amounts of care and the construction of houses for Pets. She hopes for the future support of the people, but admits that her orphanage is very new, so the attachment it's ready.

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

She saves all the animals that are capable of contain — dogs, cats, horses, bulls, birds, lizards, and many others. Each of them has his own story — someone threw home, from someone was after trauma, with other abused, others simply had no homes, and no one wanted to pick them up. Adri opened her heart and home for these animals.

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Despite the difficult moments, Adri calls his work "work" — she is loyal to him with all my heart. It deals with the animals every day from 7 am to night, and her love of unchanged. The girl is Instagram, where publishes photos from the life of his orphanage, and will continue this way inspire more and more people are helping animals in need.

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Audrey is a big fan of the works of J. R. R. Tolkien's, and most of her Pets are the names given to them after characters from book series the Lord of the rings.

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

She saves all the animals that are capable of contain — dogs, cats, horses, bulls, birds, lizards, and many others. Each of them has his own story — someone threw home, from someone was after trauma, with other abused, others simply had no homes, and no one wanted to pick them up. Adri opened her heart and home for these animals.

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

One of the lunch charges

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Saves cows, llamas and snakes: American had arranged a shelter for 200 animals

Keywords: Animals | The homeless | The peace | Shelter | Positive Americans Pets

