Russian motorists are planning to arrange trips to the morgue

Categories: Auto | World |

The problem of safe driving on our roads is not new and it is actively fighting in a variety of ways. In spite of this to say that it is close to the solution yet, alas, is not necessary. On the streets and highways of Russia is not only reckless, but fans miss the glass and another to act on this dangerous contingent is good by any methods. The Deputy of the state Council of Tatarstan Dmitry Samarenkin came up with an unusual, but quite a fair way of influence on motorists.

Russian motorists are planning to arrange trips to the morgue

MP proposes to start with cadets of driving schools and to oblige them before getting the rights to visit the morgue or the emergency Department of the hospital. This is to ensure that prospective drivers understand the responsibility that rests on their shoulders when receiving the right to drive the vehicle.

Russian motorists are planning to arrange trips to the morgue

Dmitry Samarenkin

The offer Sumarokov announced at a meeting of the parliamentary Committee on budget, taxes and Finance. He is confident that the spectacle of someone else's grief and pain will have a major impact on the consciousness of drivers and it will help to save many lives. The Deputy Chairman of the state Council Yuri Kamaltynov developed the theme of his colleague and, in turn, suggested that in addition to trips to the morgue to arrange future drivers video views and photos from the scene of serious accidents.

Russian motorists are planning to arrange trips to the morgue

Recently in the Russian Federation vigorously undertook the road safety. Under particularly close scrutiny were those who receives the rights for the first time or have already violated the law and was deprived of his driving license. Now these categories of citizens must donate blood for a marker of alcohol and urine on the maintenance of drugs before they are allowed to control the vehicle.

Russian motorists are planning to arrange trips to the morgue

If the survey determines that a person uses drugs or has an addiction to alcohol, it instead obtaining the coveted rights waits for treatment in narcological clinic. Complex such strict measures, according to the Ministry of health, will be used for the prevention of accidents.

Keywords: Accident | Car | Analyses of accidents | Morgue | Law | Drinking | Death

