Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

Categories: Animals | Positive |

Rufus is a Pharaoh Hound from Santa Monica, California. The funny dog who smiles on command (and when he is happy), loves to walk and swim and, as you can see from these photos, sleep. And when Rufus falls asleep, miracles begin to happen ...

(Total 10 photos)

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

1. Black cats - the eternal companions of witches - in the past. Now dogs rule the roost.

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

2. Household chores ... And to knock out pillows?

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

3. The dog turns ... the dog turns ... into a deer.

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

4. The backpack is packed, it's time to go!

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

5. A little more ... if only not to overcook.

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

6. Ah, morning worries.

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

7. Dexterity ... paws.

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

8. How much is this Gucci dog?

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

9. Hold your horses… ie. dogs.

Rufus the dog who walks in his sleep

10. Dog life on the beach.

Keywords: Adventure | Dogs | Sleep

